I often gaze at the moon and ponder, visualize it co-existing in Earths orbit. The moon is more than that though, it is a piece of history billions of years old, a piece of our home. Staring at us every night, and almost every night we take that for granted, just as we do to our everyday lives. We eat junk food, don’t exercise enough and would rather watch television for 5-hours than spend time in nature.
We are all fallible and that’s the one thing this community embraces.
Often people come to these sites or went to 43things ages ago to be apart of this type of community. Seeking answers, and hoping to find a place they belong to, and can be respected as a living organism with feelings. Not a Human, no you will be anything but that, because Humans are your fear, the monsters driving you to sites like this one; because you're not what society intended to mold you into. People come to this community because they don’t fit in or dream of unimaginable things brainwashed people couldn’t imagine. The things we don’t take for granted in this community are our dreams, and the support system we all have built. Whether the community is inactive for a week, or ten years, our foundations are set.
Wings in my opinion wasn’t a coincidence. So many people have a calling for wings like an infant craving maternity milk. The population of people with this calling grows everyday, some stick with it, but many can’t bare the false results. I believe if you stick with wings and give it your all, and still fail, that you aren’t a failure. Wings aren’t all that makes you an Avian; who you are, and the person you are becoming is what makes you an Avian. Freedom, hope and being better.
I am proud to be apart of this community, and thankful of everyone’s participation, and support. One day we will look back at this point in time, and our future generation of Avians will look back at this point in time. Pondering, and appreciating themselves, and our hard work just as I often do gazing at the moon.